This is how Giselle did it.
Do you also want to make slipcovers? The latest member to complete a tutorial is Giselle, Giselle informed me she has never made slipcovers before and that she found the tutorial easy to follow.

I asked Giselle a few questions about the online slipcover course.
1. How did you find the training tutorial?
I really enjoyed doing this tutorial, well explained and easy to follow.
2. Have you made covers before?
No, never this is my first ever cover
3. Would you do another tutorial?
Absolutely, I really enjoyed this training method
4. Would you recommend my training methods?
Yes I absolutely would
5. What experience do you have in sewing?
I have my own soft furnishing business making blinds and curtain but never tried anything like this before. Love trying new things
6. Do you have a furnishing business? If none, would you want to start a business later in the course?
Not sure at the moment, although it’s great to have another string to my bow in the services that I can offer. However, I need to do a lot more practising before I start offering this new service I am already planning my next tutorial
7. Do you think the tutorials are good value for money compared to other courses?
I haven’t seen any other courses but I think it is great value. If I had taken my chair to other upholsterer, it would have cost me far more than the tutorial’s membership fee. If I had bought a new chair, it would have cost me more than the tutorials. This way I have learnt and still learning new skills and I also have a new chair.
8. Any other feedback?
If you could show some of your machinists putting the fabrics together and any tips they might have that would be useful. If you could show a zip going in also. Seam allowances??
Paul’s (tutor) reply! Yes, these will all be added to the site but due to the current COVID issues and my machinists isolating, it might be a few more weeks/months.
Paul will teach you how to make slipcovers at a very easy and quick way.
I am very proud of my students as they are really taking the time to learn and take action. If you want to see some samples of my projects, check out my business website and see for yourself.
Do you also want to learn more about how you can make your own slipcovers / loose covers? Be more confident in making slipcovers/ loose covers as I teach you How to Sew Loose Covers for a Roll Arm Back Snuggle Chair Ruffled Pleats on Your Own Pace