Our Success Stories

Tub Chairs Have Been Given A New Lease Of Life

Poppy is a member of my Eeze Covers Academy and she recently sent me these pictures of these tub chairs. Tub chairs can be very daunting even for accomplished cover makers, the difficulty lies in trying to get the cover to sit into the curved back and as you can see Poppy really did get a perfect fit on this troublesome area.


Ne quis mediocrem sit, dolor reprimique nec id, quo no scaevola vituperata. 

Sub heading

Sed ea delectus senserit forensibus, vis dicant eirmod eripuit id. Altera deseruisse voluptatum id est, eu consul discere interpretaris nec. Per autem iracundia ea, cu nec tota aeque aliquid.

Sed ea delectus senserit forensibus, vis dicant eirmod eripuit id. Altera deseruisse voluptatum id est, eu consul discere interpretaris nec. Per autem iracundia ea, cu nec tota aeque aliquid.

Sed ea delectus senserit forensibus, vis dicant eirmod eripuit id. Altera deseruisse voluptatum id est, eu consul discere interpretaris nec. Per autem iracundia ea, cu nec tota aeque aliquid.

Sed ea delectus senserit forensibus, vis dicant eirmod eripuit id. Altera deseruisse voluptatum id est, eu consul discere interpretaris nec. Per autem iracundia ea, cu nec tota aeque aliquid.

Tub Chairs Have Been Given A New Lease Of Life

Poppy is a member of my Eeze Covers Academy and she recently sent me these pictures of these tub chairs.

Tub chairs can be very daunting even for accomplished cover makers, the difficulty lies in trying to get the cover to sit into the curved back and as you can see Poppy really did get a perfect fit on this troublesome area.

tub chairs learnslipcovers

I asked Poppy a few questions

Have you made covers before? I’ve made a few, but never been terrifically happy with the results. Thus, I signed up for your tutorial!

Would you do another tutorial? Yes I would.

Would you recommend my training methods? Yes I would.

What experience do you have in sewing? I’ve been sewing for 50 years, many of them professionally.

Do you have a furnishing business, if not would you be tempted to start a business later in the course?I have an upholstery business.

Do you think the tutorials are good value for money compared to other courses? I don’t know of other courses, so I can’t say. I think the entire package is really great for beginners.

Do you also want to learn more about how you can make your own slipcovers / loose covers? Be more confident in making slipcovers/ loose covers as I teach you How to Sew Loose Covers for a Roll Arm Back Snuggle Chair Ruffled Pleats on Your Own Pace

Want to see what my course offers? Visit my Youtube channel here

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