Loose cover training made magic for Janet with her fabric remnants

Another one of my members who attended my loose cover training at Eeze Covers Academy, Janet sent me her finished project.

Having never made covers before I think this is brilliant.

Janet explained she was a little bored with not a lot to do with the current lockdown and spotted my loose cover training website on social media and thought why not give it a go! She subsequently signed up to my Free tutorial (which can be found here) Needless to say she has now joined my group and is looking forward to tackling her next tailored loose cover project.

Janet just wanted to practise so she gathered a few remnants she had lying around her sewing room and managed to create this little gem of a cover.

I asked Janet a few questions

1. How did you find the tutorial?

It was so clear, step by step in bite sized pieces. Easy to get your head around and also easy to refer back to for the bits I became unsure of.

2. Have you made covers before?

Never! but I see your FREE tutorial and thought I am going to give this a go

3. Would you do another tutorial?

Yes, I would definitely like to do more. I am hooked! I really didn’t think it would be so easy to learn

4. would you recommend my training methods?

Yes definitely…. you actually didn’t babble on like some do… it made sense without all the unnecessary chat.

5. what experience do you have in sewing?

I have sewn bits over the years but not a lot of experience I basically learned from school and my mum who was self-taught. Mainly clothes & soft furnishings. Just a hobby really.

6. Do you have a furnishing business? If none, would you want to start a business later in the course?

I don’t have a furnishing business and I feel that it’s given me the confidence to do more as it was easier than I thought.

Surely, this could lead on to building a business definitely.

7. Do you think the tutorials are good value for money as compared to other courses?

I think the price of the course is amazing such value for money!

8. Any other feedback?

I would definitely recommend the course especially if you already have a little sewing experience it’s a no brainier! Always thought covers where a specialist area but the way Paul breaks it down it becomes so much clearer how to tackle the process.

I am very proud of my students as they are really taking the time to learn and take action. If you want to see some samples of my projects, check out my business website and see for yourself.

Want to see what my course offers? Visit my Youtube channel here

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